Today we’re featuring Andrew Sorcini aka Mr. BabyMan of Digg and The Drill Down podcast as our guest.
Are you ready to catch his brainwaves, including:
The TRUE story behind his user name?
Then let’s begin!
1. I’m sure you’ve explained this one million times, but what’s the origin of your user name?
It’s actually a pet name given to me by my girlfriend at the time (who’s now my wife). It’s a reference to my arrested development and general refusal to grow up and act like a serious adult. I began to use it as a username (for lack of a better one) when I would go online. Honestly, if I knew it was gonna be so notorious, I probably would’ve picked something more intimidating.
2. Do you get hit by millions of messages, E-mails, Digg requests, etc. the minute that you go online?
Less than you’d think, but mostly when I show up on IM. I’m open to all emails and Digg shouts, as long as they’re not spam.
3. Some might say that you are an on-line celebrity. That brings up another question: why do you think people put so much value in being a celebrity?
Former Photobucket marketer MJ Kim once told me, “Andy Warhol said that in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. Well, when you’re ‘internet famous’, you’re famous to 15 people.” While I certainly don’t consider myself a celebrity (even an ‘internet famous’ one), I think celebrity is significant to some people as a public validation of success.
4. Does being the top Digger something you cherish or is it that big of a deal to you?
I’m proud of the honor, but I never sought out to be top digger. Many people consider Digg to be like a game, where the goal in competition is to try and get the most submissions to the front page, or to have a perfect submission record, or to be the most prolific thread commenter. Digg has never been about that for me. My only goal in submitting to Digg is to find the most interesting sites & articles and expose them to the broadest audience possible. In that respect, there is no goal of completion for me. I’ll keep submitting to Digg as long as there are great stories to submit.
Oddly enough, the stories that really stand out for me are the ones that I really felt passionately about, but failed to make the front page. The real tragedy of Digg is how many amazing stories are submitted, but never make the front page for one reason or another. I would recommend to any digg user that they take the time to look past the front page and onto the Upcoming page, where the real gems are.
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