Sunday, February 17, 2008

You Have Mixx Messaging!

We’ve always said we have the best community out there, and that’s due in part to how well you communicate with one another—and with us. Today we’re launching two new features that will make it even easier!

Mixx Mail Phase 1: Now you can send and receive messages to and from anyone in the community without ever leaving the Mixx. Mixx Mail offers some very handy little features, including:

  • The icons of all Mixx friends in your address book—especially useful if you’re like us and remember faces/avatars better than names.
  • Send a message to a Mixxer directly from that user’s profile page.
  • Block overeager wanna-be groupies. That’s right—not only can you slam the door on their friendship pleas, but now you can block them from sending messages, not that you’d be so cruel. Right? Well ok then, just don’t block us.
  • Opt to have a daily digest sent to your regular email and we’ll let you know how many messages you have waiting.

Phase 2 with more improvements is coming very soon, so get your feedback and suggestions in to us as soon as possible.